Sunbelt 2022: Call for Proposals

The Sunbelt 2022 Conference will be held 12-16 July in Cairns, Australia – the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef and 180 million-year-old Daintree Rainforest, the oldest rainforest in the world.

For the first time, Sunbelt in 2022 will be a hybrid conference that accommodates in-person and virtual attendees.

Sunbelt 2022 will include organized sessions on various network topics, as in previous years. We invite you to highlight emerging research and facilitate discussion of your preferred social network topic by proposing an organized session. You can also share your network expertise, network software, or technical knowledge by teaching a workshop.

Sunbelt 2022 also has a special theme of “Social Networks, Disaster Recovery and Environmental Governance in the Face of Climate Change”. This special theme will have a dedicated day of regular presentations that fit within the theme (generated by a call for abstracts which will be announced soon) and will also include a special plenary and a panel discussion.

Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you – either in-person or virtually - in 2022.

Sunbelt 2022 Organizing Committee

Dean Lusher (Chair)

Call for Organized Sessions

Call for Organized Sessions

An Organized Session is a set of paper presentations centred on a specific theme, for which participants can submit abstracts during the regular abstract submission period. Organized sessions consist of 4-6 paper presentations. Please submit any Organized Session proposal before 28 November 2021 (23.59 hrs. AoE (Anywhere on Earth)). 

To submit a proposal, an EasyChair account will be required. 


Please include the following required information in your proposal:

  • A short descriptive title for your session
  • A brief description of your session (max. 150 words)
  • Contact information for a session organizer (name, institution, email)


Decisions on Sessions will be communicated to the corresponding organizer by 13 December 2021.

Click Here to Submit a Session Proposal

Call for Workshop Proposals

Workshops cover time slots of half a day (3 hours) or a full day (2 sessions of 3 hours) focused on teaching attendees specific methods, software or theories. You are invited to submit a workshop proposal before 28 November 2021 (23.59 hrs. AoE (Anywhere on Earth)).

Please include the following required information in your proposal:

  • A short descriptive title for your workshop
  • A brief description of your workshop (max. 200 words)
  • Names and contact information of all organizers
  • Length of the workshop (3 or 6 hours)
  • Maximum number of attendees
  • Instructor attending in-person or virtually


Please note that the workshops take place before the conference (morning, afternoon and evening of Tuesday 12 July) and participants will have to pay an additional fee for the workshops.

Decisions on workshops will be communicated to the corresponding organizer by 13 December 2021.

Click Here to Submit a Workshop Proposal

Call for Abstracts

The Call for Abstracts is now open. Please submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster presentation up until 6 February 2022(23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)).


Please include the following required information in your proposal:

  • A short descriptive title for your presentation/poster
  • A brief description of your presentation/poster (max. 200 words)
  • Names and contact information of all authors
  • Preference for timeslot for presentation (1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences)
  • Session preference
  • Keywords


Decisions on abstracts will be communicated to the corresponding author by 7 March 2022.

Click Here to Submit an Abstract

Sunbelt 2022 - Program Overview


AM 07:20 – 13:00

13:00 – 15:40

PM 15:40 – 17:30

EVENING 17:30 onwards


July 12





Welcome Ceremony


July 13

Special Theme

Parallel paper Sessions


Lunch break

Special Theme

Parallel paper


Special Theme Keynote

Parallel paper Sessions

Poster Session (online)

Hospitality Suite


July 14

Parallel Paper Sessions

Lunch break

Parallel Paper


Freeman Award Keynote

Parallel paper Sessions

Poster Session (online)

Hospitality Suite


July 15

Parallel Paper Sessions

Lunch break

INSNA Board Meeting

Parallel Paper



Simmel Award & Keynote

Banquet (till late,

no Hospitality Suite)


July 16

Parallel Paper Sessions

Lunch break

Business Meeting

Parallel Paper


Farewell Event/Hospitality
