2024 INSNA Board of Directors Election



Per Block

University of Zurich, Department of Sociology

I have been a member of INSNA since the beginning of my PhD studies. For the duration of my career, all my research has evolved around the analysis of social networks in some way, including theoretical, empirical, and methodological work. Furthermore, I taught courses to promote network methods and approaches at various universities, workshops, and conferences. Thus, the INSNA community is my academic home and I have attended the Sunbelt and EUSN whenever possible. Identifying as a social network scientist, I would be happy to serve the community as a member of the board of directors.

Per Block CV

Kayo Fujimoto

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Thank you for the nomination to run for a three-year term on the INSNA 2024 Board of Directors. With an academic background in sociology and statistics, my network research has spanned several areas, including adolescent health, organizational networks, healthcare delivery systems, molecular epidemiology, and HIV/AIDS research through the lens of social determinants of health. My recent research employs advanced AI methodologies and Web 3.0 technologies to address issues of equity and inclusion in complex social network systems. In addition, as a first-generation female Asian immigrant to the United States, I find strong alignment with INSNA's commitment to promoting diverse expertise and perspectives. I believe this diversity is essential to the continued progress of our multidisciplinary field of network science.

Building on this foundation, I have had the honor of serving on both the 2023 Sunbelt Conference Organizing Committee and the Travel Awards Committee. These experiences have provided me with invaluable insight into the needs of our network community and have allowed me to contribute to the goals of INSNA. Should I have the honor of serving, I am committed to fulfilling the responsibilities expected of an INSNA Board member. One of my goals is to promote interdisciplinary dialogue and to support the ongoing efforts of INSNA and its values of diversity and inclusion. Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy. I welcome the opportunity to further contribute to the INSNA community that aligns closely with my academic and research interests.

Kayo Fujimoto CV

Hank Green

Department of Applied Health Science, Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington

I have been a member of INSNA for more than 25 years, beginning in 1996 as a doctoral student. During that time I have been actively participating in both the academic work of the organization as well as in the business of the organization . I've been involved in the logistics and sponsorship of Sunbelt meetings for some of those years (2009, 2012, 2016). Outside of INSNA I am active in applied social networks research (primarily in the areas of health, education, and management science), in teaching social network analysis (at IU as well as at ICPSR), training graduate students in network analysis, and working to promote and evaluate social networks research across a range of research sponsors. I feel that supporting the INSNA leadership on the board seems like the next logical step. I'm honored to be nominated  and hopeful to be able to serve.

Hank Green CV

Eva Jaspers

Utrecht University, the Netherlands

I humbly present myself as a candidate for the board of directors of our scientific association. 

If elected, my foremost goal will be to foster the environment of inclusivity and openness within ISNA. I firmly believe that the richness of our approach lies in its interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature, and I am committed to ensuring that researchers from all backgrounds and disciplines feel welcome and valued within our association. By embracing diversity, we can enhance the depth and breadth of our understanding of social networks.

Furthermore, I am resolute in my dedication to the advancement of both theoretical and empirical knowledge on networks. I recognize the critical role that ISNA plays in pushing the boundaries of social network analysis. I am dedicated to fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge exchange. I will actively support initiatives that facilitate the sharing of theoretical insights and empirical findings within our community. 

In conclusion, I kindly request your support in this election. Together, we can shape the future of ISNA, fostering an environment of openness and driving the growth of our collective knowledge in the fascinating realm of social network analysis.

Eva Jaspers CV

Johan Koskinen

Department of Statistics, Stockholm University

Johan got his PhD in Statistics at Stockholm University in 2004 with a thesis on statistical modeling and Bayesian inference for Social Networks, work he has continued at the Universities of Oxford, Manchester, and Melbourne, before going back to Statistics at Stockholm University. In his research he has explored network dependencies across space, time, different contexts, and groups. Together with issues of measurement and sampling, these themes, ultimately, combine to form a programme which relates to what constitutes a network. In the course of developing analysis techniques for exponential random graph models and stochastic actor-oriented models, he has become involved in their application and dissemination through training.  He is frequently giving training workshops on statistical network analysis, has contributed to the RSiena and PNet suite of packages, and put together a textbook on exponential random graph models with colleagues in Melbourne. Johan went to his first Sunbelt in 2001, in Budapest, and was part of the team organising Sunbelt in Australia, in 2022.

Johan Koskinen CV

David Krackhardt

Heinz College of Public Policy

I have been a member of INSNA since 1982. While my titular academic appointment is in organizational behavior in the school of public policy, my primary identity and research is in the area of social network analysis. I have served as an Associate Editor of Network Science since its start, and I founded the online INSNA publication, the Journal of Social Structure. I have benefited beyond measure from my affiliation with INSNA over the years, and at this point in my career I would like to give back to the field by serving on the INSNA board.

David Krackhardt CV

Jose Manuel Flores Medina

JMF Asesores

With a vision of supporting modern society in providing answers to its most challenging problems I have prepared myself academically and in the practice of the SNA. Proof of this, I have applied the principles of the SNA and VNA of Professor Verna Allee and currently the studies of Professor Lucio Biggiero of the University of L'Aquila Italy, with whom I am building a strategic alliance to apply SNA in Bank´s Portfolio.

On the other hand, one of the purposes of my life is to help the companies I advise grow and develop in the markets in which they venture and be part of it. This is also the main motivation to maintain a tireless desire to obtain more knowledge and teach it to others.

Both my personal vision and the fact of being part of the construction of the future of the clients of the advisory firm, I have obtained experiences in the application of the SNA during the last 10 years of my professional career and I make available to the members of INSNA my talents based on principles and values that have shaped my personality to facilitate teamwork,  among which I allow myself to mention: leadership, honesty, patience, diligence, perseverance and resilience among others. And with a holistic view of the world, I can contribute to the purposes of INSNA.
With everyone's support, we will make INSNA grow and multiply the research and practice of the SNA around the world in order to make it a better place to live.

Jose Manuel Flores Medina CV

Cassie McMillan

Northeastern University

I’m a sociologist who’s interested in developing statistical and computational methodologies that apply a social network perspective to disentangle how our connections reproduce and challenge systems of social inequality. In my research, I apply various methods from social network analysis to study adolescents’ experiences with delinquency, risky health behaviors, and bullying. It would be an honor to serve as an INSNA Board Member. I’ve been a member of INSNA since my early graduate school years and would be excited to help cultivate the association’s growth. In particular, I would look forward to helping efforts to increase INSNA’s membership among junior scholars and scholars from underrepresented backgrounds.

Cassie McMillan CV

Andrew Parker

Durham University

Andrew Parker is Professor in Leadership and Organizational Behaviour at Durham University Business School. He is Head of Department for Management and Marketing which has over 100 academic staff. He received his PhD (2011) in Sociology from Stanford University and his advisors included Walter (Woody) Powell and Mark Granovetter. Before joining Durham University, he held posts at the University of Exeter and Grenoble Ecole de Management as well as visiting positions at the University of Kentucky (LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis), and the University of Melbourne (MelNet Center for Social Network Analysis). While at the University of Exeter he founded the Exeter Centre for Social Networks which regularly holds workshops at Sunbelt and the Academy of Management conference. 

Andrew’s research uses network theories to better understand problem solving processes, knowledge transfer, relational leadership, turnover, performance, and well-being within organizations. He uses various statistical methods in his research including stochastic actor-oriented models, exponential random graph models, and auto-logistic actor attribute models. He has conducted social network research in over 100 multinational organizations and government agencies. His research has been published in Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Organizational Research Methods, Global Strategy Journal, The Leadership Quarterly, Social Networks, Sloan Management Review, and Organizational Dynamics. He is the co-author of The Hidden Power of Social Networks and co-editor of Networks in the Knowledge Economy and Understanding Workplace Relationships: An Examination of the Antecedents and Outcomes.

Andrew Parker CV

Meg Patterson

Texas A&M University

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Behavior at Texas A&M University’s School of Public Health. I completed by BA in Psychology in 2009 and my MPH in 2012, both from Baylor University, followed by my PhD in Health Education from Texas A&M in 2016. My research is focused on how social connections, positions, and networks impact the health and well-being of individuals and communities. This translates to most of my work using social network analysis (SNA) as a methodology and theoretical framework to determine the importance of social networks and social network properties relative to health and behavioral outcomes. SNA has been the heartbeat of my research since my dissertation, and I can truly say I’m still as excited about it now as I was then. I am especially grateful for INSNA and the opportunities it has given me to grow as a scientist and expand my own network with some of my favorite people. I look forward to continuing down the SNA path and am honored to be considered to serve on the board for an organization I hold very dear.

Meg Patterson CV

John Schneider

University of Chicago; Howard Brown Health

Dr. Schneider is an applied network interventionist who focuses on most vulnerable community members in the US and internationally.  He also directs the Chicago Center for HIV Elimination and is a Senior Research Scientist at Howard Brown Health.  Dr. Schneider has developed novel and efficacious network interventions tested in randomized controlled trials that have changed public health practice.  He has completed some of the first network analyses of Black men who have sex with men and rural South Asian populations. He has also developed the first sociometric network strategy to select peer change agents for HIV prevention interventions.  His creative and paradigm shifting work moves beyond traditional HIV prevention interventions to impact health and behavior at both individual and network levels.  Key scholarship areas to date include:

  • Pioneering social network characterization within emerging epidemics
  • Novel network method development - cell phone entity resolution, participant recruitment
  • Discovered heavy cannabis use as a factor associated with HIV care engagement among Black Sexual and Gender Minorities
  • Novel network intervention implementation

He is also a practicing physician at Howard Brown Health 55th street, a clinic he founded and was medical director for, and currently specializes in the provision of HIV/STI related care, substance use treatment and hormone therapy.  This work directly informs his research and will provide a unique perspective to the INSNA Board of Directors.

John Schneider CV