COVID-19 Satellite

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To view available recordings, select titles in orange.

11am-12pm - Plenary Session - Martina Morris, Wizards and Curtains: Network Modeling Frameworks for Epidemics

12-12:50pm - Networks, Change, & Network Change

  • “The Crowding of Social Distancing: How Personal Social Networks Shape Compliance with and Attitudes towards Social Distancing Policies during Covid-19” Debra Leiter, Jack Reilly, & Beth Vonnahme 
  • Social relations and daily life during the COVID-19 crisis: a social network view Jose A. Rodriguez Diaz & Aitor Dominguez
  • “COVID-19 Transition Cliff: Changes in the Egocentric Networks of Young Autistic Adults and their Parents Preparing for Transition” Elizabeth McGhee Hassrick & Sara Murphy

1-1:50 pm - Media & (Mis-)Information

2-2:50pm - Mobility Patterns