"Measuring transnational social structures within Europe"
Online event
Event Details
Open Conference "Measuring transnational social structures within Europe"
Online event, December 18th, 2020
Access to conference platform: https://bit.ly/2KUMVt1
We are happy to invite you to the conference “Measuring transnational social structures within Europe: A case study” that will take place virtually on Friday the18th of December 2020, as the final conference of the research project Orbits.
In this project, we have intended to identify the transnational social structures that produce and sustain chain migration, connecting places of origin and destination of migrants, corresponding to two migration corredors between Romania and Spain (Dâmboviţa- Castellón and Bistriţa-Năsăud - Roquetas de Mar). In particular, we have sampled 500 Romanian migrants in Spain, non-migrants in Romania and return migrants using binational link-tracing (Mouw et al., 2014) and interviewed them about their migration trajectories, the role of institutions, transnationality and their personal networks. The sampling method allows us to draw a large transnational social network with thousands of unique individuals.
In the conference, we will present the first analyses of these data, which may be of interest to researchers focusing on migration networks, flows of intra-European mobility, and migrant enterpreneurship, among other topics, as well as in the methodological strategy adopted in this investigation.
The conference will be held from 10:30 am - 2.15 pm CET on Microsoft Teams; you can assist via this link: https://bit.ly/2KUMVt1
Before the conference, we give a brief presentation to stakeholders and community members, which is also open to everyone, but it will be held in Spanish. This session starts at 09:00 am CET on the same day and you can assist via the same URL.
The conference program can be viewed here.