Call: ACM CoNEXT 2022
Event Details
ACM CoNEXT 2022, to be held in-person in Rome, Italy, is soliciting proposals for workshops to be co-located with the main conference. Workshops are typically organized as focused events that bring together a specific community or that tackle a recent topic of interest. Past topics have included themes as diverse as specific protocols, programming languages, applications of machine learning, security, and wireless technologies.
Workshop papers can be works in progress, controversial points of view, as well as research papers that fit into the workshop theme. Workshops can be an opportunity to bring together people in the same research area for lively technical exchanges and to foster future collaborations.
If the workshop is accepted, the proposers agree to recruit a Program Committee for selecting papers, recruit invited speakers if applicable, and advertise the workshop in order to attract papers and attendees.
As an integral part of the conference, the workshops will be fully incorporated into CoNEXT’s logistical and budget planning process.
Workshop papers will be published in the same set of proceedings as the conference, and will be available on the ACM Digital Library.
Workshop proposals sent in response to this open call should include the following material:
- A brief statement of interest including a description and rationale for the workshop topic and its relevance to the CoNEXT community, as well as a comparison with existing workshops on related topics, if applicable.
- A draft call for papers, including names and affiliations of workshop chairs and a tentative list of TPC members (as complete as possible).
- Suggestions about possible keynote speakers and/or panel members.
- The planned workshop deadlines, both internal and external (see below).
- An expected number of submissions, accepted papers, and attendees (if known).
- A description of any past instances of the proposed workshop, including number of submissions, accepted papers, and attendees.
- A list of people whom you have solicited (or plan to solicit) to participate at the workshop. If the workshop is interdisciplinary, please provide details about your plans to advertise to other communities and how you intend to encourage participation at the workshop.
The workshop organizers should also take into account the following practical considerations:
- All of the Workshops for ACM CoNEXT 2022 should have the same deadlines (e.g. notification of acceptance and camera-ready deadlines), to facilitate coordination with other aspects of the conference organization. Deadline extensions should be coordinated with the Workshop and Publication chair(s). The camera-ready deadline will be Oct 25, 2022 (firm).
- Individual Workshop organizers will be responsible for setting up the paper submission site and review process, as well as for their individual web page design in coordination with the ACM CoNEXT 2022 Web chair(s).
- Individual Workshop organizers are welcome to invite keynote speakers.
- CoNEXT 2022 will be held in hybrid format, with preferred in-presence participation in Rome. Participants that will not be able to travel will be offered the opportunity to participate remotely.
If you have questions about your workshop proposal, do not hesitate to contact the Workshop Chairs, Paolo Casari and Radia Perlman, at
Proposals should be submitted as ASCII text or PDF files only, via email to: The workshop selection will be made by the Workshop chairs in consultation with the General chairs and the Steering Committee.
== Important dates ==
Workshop proposal submission deadline: June 30th, 2021 23:59 AoE
Notification to proposers: July 12th, 2022.
Camera-ready submission deadline for workshop papers (firm): October 25, 2022