Call: International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs
Event Details
KG 2022
International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs
Dec 1, 2022, Online
A workshop of ICDM 2022
(The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Data Mining)
Knowledge graph is essentially the knowledge base of semantic web, which is composed of entities (nodes) and relations (edges). As the representation of semantics, knowledge graphs can readily-easily formulate real-world entities, concepts, attributes, as well as their relations. Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth in the number of academics and practitioners interested in knowledge graph and closely related areas. In particular, various deep neural network models have been developed for knowledge graph-based areas. Meanwhile, as knowledge graphs have been applied in various domains such as information retrieval, natural language understanding, question answering systems, recommender systems, financial risk control, etc., new challenges have emerged in the context of knowledge graphs from many perspectives including scalability, security, explainability, robustness, etc.
The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss the fundamentals, methodologies, techniques, and applications of knowledge graphs. In this workshop, our goal is to contribute to the next generation of knowledge graphs and exploring them using artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, network science, and other appropriate technologies.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Construction and understanding of knowledge graphs
-Models and algorithms for knowledge graph construction and representation
-Large-scale graph algorithms and theories
-AI for/over knowledge graphs
-Misinformation or disinformation
-Anomaly detection and quality control
-Trust, privacy and security for knowledge graphs
-Fairness, transparency, explainability, and robustness
-Interactive learning and cognitive learning
-Question answering
-Datasets and benchmarking
-Knowledge graphs in various domains
-Innovative applications of knowledge graphs
Important Dates
Paper submissions due: September 2, 2022
Notification of acceptance: September 23,2022
Camera ready version due: October 1, 2022
Author registration due: December 1, 2022
Publication & Submission
Authors are invited to submit original papers that must not have been submitted to or published in any other workshop, conference, or journal. The workshop will accept full papers describing completed work, work-in-progress papers with preliminary results, as well as position papers reporting inspiring and intriguing new ideas.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee and be evaluated for originality, quality and appropriateness to the workshop. Furthermore, as in previous years, papers that are not accepted by the main conference will be automatically sent to a workshop selected by the authors when the papers were submitted to the main conference. By the unique ICDM tradition, all accepted workshop papers will be published in the dedicated ICDMW proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
For detailed submission instructions, please visit the workshop website.
Shuo Yu, Dalian University of Technology
Feng Xia, Federation University Australia
Program Committee
See the workshop website.
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