Call: Addressing Challenges and Opportunities in Online Extremism Research
Event Details
Co-organized along CSCW 2021 Conference
Recent political and cultural upheavals around the globe highlight the importance of studying extremism in online spaces. The CSCW community has shown growing interest in exploring the information and influence operations, use of language and multimedia and finance structures in online extremism movements. The goal of this workshop is to broaden the current research by considering multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural aspects of online extremism research. This workshop brings together international researchers to discuss challenges and new opportunities to help (1) understand the representativeness and validity of the data used for studying extremism (2) uncover nuances in extremism research across countries and cultures (3) build norms for platform governance and policies (4) develop critical perspectives on extremism studies addressing questions such as research ethics and bias (5) promoting research efforts to aid victims of the extremism (6) leverage extremism research for aiding the recovery and social support for populations involved in online extremism.
(1) Facilitate networking, connections, and community identity of researchers from multiple disciplines such as social psychology, computer science, criminology, epidemiology, social justice studying online extremism.
(2) Discuss and propose ideas relevant to the five themes of the workshop.
(3) Encourage future interdisciplinary collaborations on the ideas generated during the workshop
Topics of interest:
— Extremism Studies and Data
— Extremism across Cultures
— Extremism and Governance
— Extremism Research Ethics
— Aiding Victims of Extremism
— Recovery from Online Extremism
Submission guidelines:
- Authors can submit a 2-6 pages position paper or a 300 word abstract
- Position papers will be invited for presentations or lightning talks during the workshop
- Both position papers and abstracts should be able to identify at least one or more themes outlined on the website.
Important dates:
- Paper submission deadline: 10th September 2021
- Acceptance notifications: 17th September, 2021
Organizing committee: