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Call: EUSN 2021 Session

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Event Details

We are calling for presentation abstracts for the organized session about Avoiding and Handling Missing and Sampled Network Data at the European Social Network (EUSN) conference which will take place on 7-10 September 2021 in Naples, Italy.
Details about our session:

Avoiding and Handling Missing and Sampled Network Data 

Empirical network research often faces problems already in the data collection stage. Sometimes it is infeasible to collect the entire relevant sociocentric network (e.g., when the relevant network boundary is unknown or too large), other times, information on some nodes and, more importantly, their (outgoing) links is missing (e.g., because of non-response of some nodes). Sampled and missing data does not only reduce power and representativity, they also hinder statistical analysis in the first place. For networks, missing data constitute a far bigger problem, than for non-network research, because of the strong dependencies inherent to network data. In this session, we thus want to focus on submissions providing analytic, creative, or theoretical solutions to handling missing or sampled network data, and/or focusing on better data collection to avoid these problems in the first place.
This session is dedicated to research focusing on methods to avoid and/or handle missing (sampled/partially observed) network data. We welcome a wide range of submissions focused on methodological, theoretical, and empirical studies. 
Organizers:  Robert Krause (Free University Berlin, and Stepan Zaretckii (University of Groningen,
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
More information about the conference and as well as the link for submitting your abstracts can be found at the conference website: The deadline for abstract submission is May 23rd 2021. We will review the abstracts and send you a notification of acceptance by June 13, 2021. The conference will probably follow a hybrid in-person/online format with details to be revealed soon.