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Call for Abstracts - 'Bipartite Networks and Projections' Session

Networks 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Event Details

Call for abstracts - Networks 2021: Organized Session on Bipartite Networks and Projections

Deadline: 24 January 2021

Networks 2021

A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference will take place in Washington D.C. (hybrid in-person and virtual conference) on July 6-11, 2021. We expect this to be the largest networks conference ever held. It will combine the annual meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (Sunbelt XLI), and the annual meeting of the Network Science Society (NetSci 2021).

Conference website:

Organized session on Bipartite Networks and Projections Bipartite networks can model a wide range of social (e.g. individuals' affiliations with groups), biological (e.g. gene expression), and commercial (e.g. product baskets) phenomena and therefore are widely used in multiple disciplines. Similarly, bipartite projections are increasingly common when unipartite networks of interest would be difficult to measure directly (e.g. political collaboration from bill co-sponsorship, genetic interactions), or when a unipartite network usefully summarizes information (e.g. product co-purchasing). Despite their widespread use and applications, the analyses of bipartite networks and their projections can be challenging because they require specialized techniques that differ from more familiar methods developed for unipartite networks. For example, conventional centrality metrics require adaptation for application to bipartite networks, while techniques for analyzing weighted networks require modification when applied to weighted bipartite projections. This session welcomes oral presentations of 15 minutes from any discipline that present new methods for the analysis of bipartite networks or their projections, as well as papers that report empirical analyses of such networks and illustrate these methods.

Abstracts of up to 250-500 may be submitted until January 24 at When submitting your abstract, please select the session labelled “Bipartite Networks and Projections (Session 7). If there is a full manuscript associated with the abstract, please make note of this at the end of your abstract. Acceptance of abstract submissions for Networks2021 is competitive. You must select this session and your abstract must be accepted to the conference in order to be included in this special session.

Organizer: Zachary Neal,