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Call for Abstracts - Child and Adolescent Social Networks

Session for Networks 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Event Details

Please consider submitting an abstract to the session  on Child and Adolescent Social Networks for Networks 2021. 


This organized session focuses on applications of social network analysis to understand the role of peer relationships in child and adolescent development and well-being. Children and adolescents spend a substantial portion of their time with peers, and their peer relationships can shape, and can be shaped by, their attitudes and behaviors. The session welcomes papers that make empirical, methodological and/or theoretical contributions to understandings of social networks in child and adolescent development and well-being, including (but not limited to) papers on: 

(1) Peer selection and influence processes in childhood and adolescence
(2) Associations between structural features of child and adolescent social networks and psychosocial outcomes
(3) Contextual factors associated with child and adolescent social networks (e.g., teaching practices, behavioral norms, school organization), and innovations in modeling multi-level networks capturing context
(4) Advances in the measurement of child and adolescent social networks, particularly using remote sensing and digital trace data

Papers that focus on a range of developmental periods (i.e., early childhood, middle childhood, early adolescence) and types of peer relationships (e.g., friendships, play, bullying dynamics) are welcome.

Important Information:
- Your abstract should be no more than 500 words and can include up to one optional figure
- The submission deadline is January 24, 2021
- You should submit your abstract to the session titled: “9. Child and Adolescent Social Networks”
- The conference website is here:
- If you have questions, feel free to email me at