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Call for Abstracts – Negative Ties and Signed Graphs

Networks 2021 Conference

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Event Details

Networks 2021 Conference

Call for Abstracts – Negative Ties and Signed Graphs


This organized session focuses on the co-existence of positive and negative ties in networks across different domains and the need to study positive and negative ties together in order to better understand network dynamics, as well as processes and outcomes within these networks. We invite anyone with an interest in the topic to submit their work to a special track of the Networks 2021 conference, which is taking place both in-person and online from July 6-11, 2021.

Please submit your abstracts for this conference through the session labelled:

“Negative Ties and Signed Graphs” (Session 18)

 The submissions website can be accessed here: 

Session organizers:

  • Filip Agneessens (Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento; and Nuffield College, University of Oxford)
  • Samin Aref (Laboratory of Digital and Computational Demography, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
  • Ernesto Estrada (Institute of Mathematics and Applications, University of Zaragoza and ARAID Foundation, Government of Aragon, Spain)  
  • Nicholas Harrigan (Department of Sociology, Macquarie University) 
  • Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca (LINKS Network Analysis Center, University of Kentucky; and Exeter Business School, University of Exeter)
  • Zachary Neal (Psychology Department, Michigan State University)
  • Andreia Sofia Teixeira (School of Public Health and IU Network Science Institute, Indiana University Bloomington)  


We encourage a wide range of submissions. Example works include (but are not limited to): Methods and measures pertaining to signed networks (in social, economic, political, biological, financial, informational, or physical contexts); modeling and analysis of negative ties; understanding how structural balance affects volatility in financial markets; explaining the inner workings of political and legal bodies such as legislatures or courts; understanding how threats within a network create needs for allies, particularly in international relations; examining where bullying emerges in schools or organizations; exploring how positive and negative emotion are structured within our cognitive semantic networks; how perceptions of negative ties poses unique challenges in organizational research; examining how relational ambivalence affects relational trajectories; and how subgroup fault lines affect intra- and inter-group conflict.

Unlike the typical Sunbelt conference process, acceptance of abstract submissions for Networks 2021 is competitive -- only 650 abstracts will be accepted in total. To be included in this special session, you must first select this session when submitting and then your abstract must be accepted to the conference. 

Please submit your abstract within the submission window (Deadline: Sunday, January 24th). Please limit your abstract to 250-500 words. If there is a full manuscript associated with the abstract, please make note of this at the end of your abstract. 

We look forward to your submissions!