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Call: IFKAD 2022

Special Track on Resilience and Transformation through Complexity

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Event Details

We are happy to invite submissions of abstracts to the Special Track "Resilience and Transformation Addressed with a Complexity Approach" of IFKAD 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland:
Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2022
Research Area
KB Innovation and Development
Reference No. of the Track: 21


This track deals with complexity, a topic that is receiving an increasing attention both from the scientific literature and practitioners, because it is increasingly recognized as a fundamental aspect of nowadays economies, markets, and organizations. In particular, referring to the last period, characterized by the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and its ineluctability, a complex approach to deal with uncertainty and many economics effects can be very useful in the decision-making process of governments, policy makers, managers, companies, and organizations belonging to the business ecosystem.

Thus, finding new dimensions to change mindset and rethink management systems, value chains and organizational structures in order to be resilient and able to transform themself to recover from crisis has become the new imperative in economics and management research.
In this sense, complexity principles demonstrated being effective as a reference to understand and face the current resilient, competitive, economic, environmental and social dynamics affecting nowadays businesses.

Complex systems are composed of interdependent agents that can be found everywhere on multiple scales, from the macro level, including industries, markets, and countries, to the micro level, involving firms, work teams and individuals.
Methods and tools of “complexity” can help identify future directions in organizational and managerial issues.

The study of complexity in economies, markets, and organizations requires dynamic and systemic approaches. They allow to model complex system behaviors, reproducing the internal dynamics of the whole system from the bottom, focusing on its micro elements such as the agents, their attributes, actions, knowledge and goals, and the network structure (and type of relationships) that connects them. In this regard, methodologies based on agent-based modeling, networks, system dynamics, evolutionary game theory, percolation theory, data driven model are very suitable.
The aim of this track is to attract empirical and theoretical contributions that use these approaches and address the issue of complexity. Papers that adopt innovative theoretical and empirical methodologies are particularly appreciated. We invite researchers which investigate the drivers of complexity in management systems, value chains (and business ecosystems) and organizational structures in different business sectors; analyze the relationship between complexity and resilience, fostering the sustainability of the economy, innovative and unconventional policies and regulation measures; explore approaches and tools adopted by companies to self-organize and adapt to the complexity of external environment to competitively sustain their business.

Researchers that digs into the complexity of big data are also welcome. In particular, while text mining and social networks have evolved into mature yet still quickly advancing fields, the work at their intersection is lagging behind on theoretical, empirical, and methodological foundations. For example, infodemics is emerging as an adequate methodology to capture the richness of complex networks.

Complex Systems, Knowledge, Innovation Management, Networks, Transformation, Inter-organizational systems, Pandemic-resistant business environment, Resilience and sustainability in complex systems

Submission link and details:

This track is jointly organized by
Andrea Fronzetti Colladon (University of Perugia), Ilaria Giannoccaro (Polytechnic University of Bari), Cristina Ponsiglione (University of Naples Federico II), Linda Ponta (Università Carlo Cattaneo LIUC).
Please feel free to contact us for any questions.