Call: "Networks and Cultures"
Event Details
We would like to draw your attention to the possibility of submitting abstracts for the session we are organizing on "Networks and Cultures“.
The deadline is 20. February 2022.
Submission URL:
The next Sunbelt meeting will be held in Australia 12-16/07/2022, but is planned as a hybrid conference.
Session Description:
Networks and Cultures
Cultures differ from each other. They emerge in different social contexts and situations and are constantly (re)constituted, with the possibility of the emergence of new pattern. It can be shown empirically that cultures are connected with networks relationship structures.
In such structures, an established culture is conveyed and further developed. Culture in this context refers primarily to everyday life: practices, understanding of symbols, conventions, what people consider as correct, what they like or do not like. How people behave can also be described as (part of) culture. Culture is developed in networks and culture determines how networks are formed. Thus, both cultures and networks are interwoven. This means that when we analyze social structures in networks, they are always linked to cultural content. The perspective of culture leads to deeper insights to network analysis because reasons for the formation and maintenance of networks become visible.
For our session, we are interested in conceptual contributions to the relationship between culture and networks, as well as in empirical and other analyses of networks that focus on culture.