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Call: Politics & Computational Social Science 2022

Friday, April 29, 2022

Event Details

We are pleased to announce that the fifth annual Politics and Computational Social Science (PaCSS) conference will take place in a hybrid format, June 16-18, 2022. Harvard University’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) will host this year’s conference, with in-person events in Cambridge, Massachusetts (US). Given the profound impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our community and the current situation of the disease spread, we believe allowing in person attendance is appropriate and an important step to support networking and community-building activities. However, we are aware of the potential financial, logistical or health-related reasons against in person attendance. Hence, researchers who prefer to present online are encouraged to submit a proposal. 

Whether it is online or in person, we hope that you will join us to share your work and support the continued growth of our diverse, interdisciplinary community of people working in industry, academia, government and nonprofits.

To submit your work for consideration at PaCSS 2022, please complete this form by Friday, April 29.  Submissions should include an abstract for a single proposed talk; the program committee will organize accepted submissions into panels. To get a sense of the breadth and diversity of content presented at PaCSS, you may wish to take a look at the PaCSS 2021 program.

Please email with any questions.

About PaCSS

The data and methodologies available to social scientists have exploded with the emergence of archives of digital data collection, large scale online experimentation, and innovative uses of simulation. The analysis of these data requires more complex methodological approaches and greater computational complexity than the approaches that have dominated the study of politics for the last 50 years.

The analysis of digital data offers the potential for rich insights into society at scale, but it also introduces new ethical and infrastructural challenges. In parallel, the information and communication technologies that have driven this data revolution are also driving changes in politics, around the world, that require study.

In order to understand the political world, it is increasingly important to gain access to the political communication and behavior occurring online. PaCSS, started in 2018 with about 150 attendees, offers a forum for computational social science research in this emerging space. Examples of relevant topics/approaches include: analysis of social media; text analysis; use of finely granular geographic data; and large scale online experimentation. Deeply committed to elevating the voices and work of populations which are underrepresented in computational spaces, PaCSS actively seek, welcome, and encourage people from all fields, industries, backgrounds, experiences, and identities to submit their work and attend. 

PaCSS 2022 is co-chaired by David Lazer and Sarah Shugars, with support from Stefan McCabe, Burak Ozturan, Alexi Quintana, Alyssa Smith, Ata Uslu, and Allison Wan.