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Call: 'Science of Science and Networks' Session - Networks 2021

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Event Details

Please consider submitting an abstract to the session on “Science of Science and Networks” for Networks 2021, scheduled for 6-11 July, 2021 in Washington, DC, USA (hybrid conference).


Session organizers:

  • Alina Lungeanu
  • Noshir Contractor
  • Dashun Wang


Description: The study of science relies on analyses of networks of scientists, ideas, and institutions. Social networks provide benefits to individuals through resources that are embedded within networks and the structural patterns of connections among individuals within networks. Thus, the structure of prior collaboration networks has a significant influence on who chooses to coauthor with whom which, in turn, impacts career outcomes, including scientific productivity.

Furthermore, scientists often work on multiple teams both concurrently and across time as they engage with new and old collaborators to address research problems requiring unique and overlapping knowledge domains. As a result, the network structure of scientists and scientific teams has a significant impact on scientific innovation.

Finally, scientific research operates as a network at national and international levels. Within this network, it is possible to learn about knowledge flows, asymmetries in knowledge capacity and power, trends at knowledge frontiers as well as vulnerabilities, and national leadership. As a result, related analyses are useful to policymakers tracking international relationships, to business people examining investment opportunities, and to network scientists.


The session aims at bringing together theoretical and analytical network approaches to the study of science of science. We invite contributions that include, but are not limited to:

  • Innovation in science
  • Career dynamics and inequalities in science
  • Scientific collaboration and team science
  • Global scientific networks
  • Network science and text analytics
  • Network science and topic modeling

Important information:

  • The submission deadline is January 24, 2021
  • The abstract should be no more than 500 words and can include up to one optional figure
  • The abstract should be submitted to the session titled: “25. Science of Science and Networks”
  • The conference website is here:
  • Feel free to contact session organizer Alina Lungeanu ( with any questions


Looking forward to your contribution!