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Sunbelt 2022 Cairns

Call: "Sexual risk and substance-using networks in the epoch of COVID-19"

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Event Details

Please consider submitting an abstract to the session on “Sexual risk and substance-using networks in the epoch of COVID-19" for Sunbelt 2022, scheduled for July 12-16, 2022 in Cairns, Australia (hybrid conference).


Session organizers:  John Schneider, University of Chicago; Lindsay Young, University of Southern California 


Description: Social networks and the methods used to analyze them have long played critical roles in our understanding of sexual risk and substance use behaviors and the contexts that facilitate them. This work has taken on even greater importance amid the COVID-19 pandemic as it is clear that the populations most vulnerable to sexual and substance use related risks (e.g., sexual and gender minorities, people of color, people who use drugs, sex workers, marginalized heterosexual populations) have been disproportionately impacted by this global health crisis. In this session, we seek papers that adopt social network perspectives and methods to explore intersections between sexual risk behavior, substance use, and the physical, psychological, social, and economic traumas of COVID-19.


Submission deadline: February 6, 2022


Please include the following required information in your proposal:

  • A short descriptive title for your presentation/poster
  • A brief description of your presentation/poster (max. 200 words)
  • Names and contact information of all authors
  • Preference for timeslot for presentation (1st, 2nd and 3rd preferences)
  • Session preference
  • Keywords


Feel free to contact session organizers John Schneider ( or Lindsay Young ( with any questions.