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Call: "Social Network Analysis and International Business" (EUSN 2022)

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Event Details

EU Social Networks Conference: “Social Network Analysis and International Business”


Track co-chairs:

Kim Bui, University of Greenwich,

Pi-Chi Chen, University of Greenwich,

Lena Langosch, University of Greenwich,

Bruce Cronin, University of Greenwich,


Calls for submissions
We are inviting working papers and extended abstracts for the conference track Social Network analysis and International Business as part of the EU Social Networks conference held at Greenwich on 12th – 16th September 2022.

Important dates
Deadline for submission:  8 May 2022


Networks are a central concept in the study of International Business (IB) from supply and value chains to parent-subsidiary relationships and the embeddeness of multinational subsidiaries in host country environments. A core perspective in IB research is the use of a network lens through which firms are conceptualized as “embedded in social networks with other actors” (Andersson, Forsgren, & Holm, 2002; Granovetter, 1985). But while the theory of networks has attracted increasing attention in IB research, the systematic description, modelling and analysis of network relationships has still been scarce in IB research (Kurt & Kurt, 2020). Few studies of international business networks take the concept beyond metaphor.


Social network analysis (SNA) provides a rich set of mixed methods ability to provide contextual, longitudinal, multilevel, and processual explanations of International Business phenomena (Buchnea & Elsahn, 2022). As such, the incorporation of SNA and IB can be used to understand the path-dependent process of network development and change over time, and the implications of network embeddedness for firms’ behaviour and strategies. This conference track aims not only to incorporate theory of networks in IB research, but also recognise and highlight outstanding use of SNA to investigate pertinent IB phenomena.


The track therefore seeks to showcase rigorous and trustworthy use of SNA in IB research, question methodological conventions in SNA and IB and promote cutting-edge developments in SNA and IB methodological approaches.


Sample topics
The EU Social Networks Conference Social Network Analysis and International Business track welcomes high quality submissions in the form of conceptual and empirical papers that develop new perspectives on SNA in IB that fit the 21st century global landscape.

Studies employing a SNA perspective have enriched the understanding of international business, suggested areas of interest include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Application of SNA in the speed and characteristics of internationalisation of multinational enterprises (MNEs) (Musteen et al., 2010).
  • Knowledge exchange and transfer and learning within and outside of MNEs, including HQ- subsidiary relationships (Geppert & Dörrenbächer, 2014; Sandberg, 2014; Khan, Rao-Nicholson & Tarba, 2018).
  • Types of cross-border relationships (Holm et al., 1996, Pedersen et al., 2019).
  • Entrepreneurship (Coviello, 2006) and Internationalization of SMEs (Chetty & Holm, 2000).
  • MNE Mergers and acquisitions.
  • Exploration on how businesses interact with its environments (Welch & Wilkinson, 2004; Jansson, Johansson & Ramström, 2007).
  • Corporate political activity and how firms manage the socio-political environment (Elsahn & Benson-Rea, 2018).


Further suggested questions and areas of interest include the following:


  • What network theories can we develop to address new challenges in IB?
  • How can we adapt SNA methods for today’s IB research challenges?
  • How can SNA account for the dynamism and temporality of IB phenomena?




Andersson, U., Forsgren, M., & Holm, U. (2002). The strategic impact of external networks: Subsidiary performance and competence development in the multinational corporation. Strategic management journal, 23(11), 979-996.


Buchnea, Emily, & Ziad Elsahn (2022). Historical social network analysis: Advancing new directions for international business research.International Business Review, 101990.


Coviello, N. E. (2006). The network dynamics of international new ventures. Journal of international Business studies, 37(5), 713-731.


Chetty, S., & Holm, D. B. (2000). Internationalisation of small to medium-sized manufacturing firms: a network approach. International business review, 9(1), 77-93.


Elsahn, Z. F., & Benson-Rea, M. (2018). Political schemas and corporate political activities during foreign market entry: A micro-process perspective. Management International Review, 58(5), 771-811.


Geppert, M., & Dörrenbächer, C. (2014). Politics and power within multinational corporations: Mainstream studies, emerging critical approaches and suggestions for future research. International Journal of Management Reviews, 16(2), 226-244.


Granovetter, M. S. (1973). The strength of weak ties. American journal of sociology, 78(6), 1360-1380.


Holm, D. B., Eriksson, K., & Johanson, J. (1996). Business networks and cooperation in international business relationships. Journal of international business studies, 27(5), 1033-1053.

Jansson, H., Johanson, M., & Ramström, J. (2007). Institutions and business networks: A comparative analysis of the Chinese, Russian, and West European markets. Industrial marketing management, 36(7), 955-967.


Khan, Z., Rao-Nicholson, R., & Tarba, S. Y. (2018). Global networks as a mode of balance for exploratory innovations in a late liberalizing economy. Journal of World Business, 53(3), 392-402.


Kurt, Y., & Kurt, M. (2020). Social network analysis in international business research: An assessment of the current state of play and future research directions. International Business Review, 29(2), 101633.


Musteen, M., Francis, J., & Datta, D. K. (2010). The influence of international networks on internationalization speed and performance: A study of Czech SMEs. Journal of world business, 45(3), 197-205.


Pedersen, T., Soda, G., & Stea, D. (2019). Globally networked: Intraorganizational boundary spanning in the global organization. Journal of World Business, 54(3), 169-180.


Sandberg, S. (2014). Experiential knowledge antecedents of the SME network node configuration in emerging market business networks. International Business Review, 23(1), 20-29.


Welch, C., & Wilkinson, I. (2004). The political embeddedness of international business networks. International marketing review.