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Call: 'Social networks & personal communities in migration...'

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Event Details

If you’re working on social networks and migration or migrant incorporation, please consider our Networks 2021 organized session.

# Conference info:

* Networks 2021 Conference - 6-11 July, 2021 - Washington, DC, USA (hybrid conference)
* Submission deadline: January 24, 2021
* Submission URL:

Session number and title: 26. Social networks and personal communities in migration and migrant incorporation


Raffaele Vacca (University of Florida) and Başak Bilecen (University of Groningen)


Migration scholars have long called attention to the central role of social and personal networks in shaping migrants’ mobility patterns, migration decisions, incorporation trajectories, and transnational activities. However, while certain network metaphors and notions have always been popular in migration research, the actual collection and analysis of network data has been far less common in this field. A recent special issue of Social Networks showcased the potential of network data and methods, both egocentric and sociocentric, to answer different and fundamental questions in migration studies. This session aims to highlight the richness and variety of social network studies of migration and migrant incorporation, and their ability to open up new frontiers in research on migration, ethnicity, and migrant incorporation.

We are particularly interested in micro- and meso-level studies of sociocentric or egocentric networks, and their association with migration contexts, environments, and individual outcomes. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* The role of social networks in different migration phases (initiation, transit, settlement, etc.)
* The composition, structure, size, spatial dispersion, dynamics etc. of migrants’ personal or egocentric networks.
* Networks, social support and migrant health.
* Networks and ethnic identity, ethnic segregation, or ethnic neighborhoods.
* Social relationships and migrant transnationalism.
* Social networks for specific mobile populations (e.g. elderly migrants, international students, return migrants).
* Network change among migrants and over the migration trajectory.
* Comparative studies of networks and migration (e.g., migrants vs. non-migrants, different migrant generations, etc.)
* Mixed-methods studies of migrants’ social networks.