Frognet conference
Montpelier, France
Event Details
We are pleased to announce the organisation of the second interdisciplinary French-speaking conference on network analysis Frognet in Montpellier from Thursday 6 April 2023 to Friday 7 April 2023.
Network analysis is structured on an international scale around journals such as SocialNetworks, NetworkScience or REDES and large annual conferences such as the Sunbelt. For its part, French-speaking research in network analysis is particularly active and dynamic, and several initiatives animate this scientific community, such as the RT26 of the Association Française de Sociologie Réseaux Sociaux (French Association of Sociology of Social Networks), the journal ARCS, etc.
The Frognet conference (French-speaking conference on graphs and social networks) aims to bring together researchers and students working in network and relationship analysis, its theories, concepts and/or methods. This conference will be an opportunity to promote discussions, cooperation and collaboration between various scientific disciplines: sociology, economics, political science, history, management, archaeology, geography, linguistics, statistics, mathematics and computer science. Thus, the papers may concern networks in organisations, the world of health, agriculture or food, the media, communities, markets, but also methods of network analysis or visualisation. Papers may also address more general social science concepts (social bonding, social capital, cohesion, etc.) and their links with the notion of the network. This conference is also an opportunity to provide information on resources, connections and training in Network Analysis in France.
For this second Frognet conference, the plenary conference will be led by Alexis Ferrand (sociologist, specialist in personal networks, former university professor at Lille 1).
A young author prize will be awarded during the conference. The candidate must have defended his or her thesis within the last three years. A paper (published or not) of 50000 maximum signs should be sent by March 3, 2023 to
Submission of conference abstract : Proposals for conference papers of 500 words must be submitted to by 27 January 2023 at the latest.
Date: Thursday 6 April 2023 to Friday 7 April 2023
Place: Montpellier, FRANCE
Format: In order to encourage exchanges and presentations over two days, the format of the presentations will be 20 minutes including questions.
Laurent Beauguitte (CNRS, France)
Claire Bidart (CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille, France)
David Chavalarias (CNRS, Institute of Complex Systems, France)
Hocine Cherifi (University of Bourgogne, France)
Catherine Comet (University of Paris 8, France)
Thibaud Deguilhem (University of Paris, France)
Floriana Gargiulo (CNRS, University of Paris Sorbonne, France)
Yves Gingras (UQAM, Canada)
Emmanuel Lazega (Sciences Po, France)
Silvia Marzagalli (University of Nice Côte d'Azur, France)
Nicola Mirc (Toulouse School of Management, France)
Shira Offer (Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
Mohamed Oubenal (Royal Institute for Amazigh Culture, Morocco)
Johanne Saint Charles (UQAM, Canada)
Marlène Sapin (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Mathieu Thomas (CIRAD, France)
Paola Tubaro (CNRS, ENSAE, France)
Gil Viry (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
Eric Widmer (University of Geneva, Switzerland)