Call for Award Nominations

Nominations for the 2025 INSNA Awards are now being accepted


Freeman Award

The INSNA Freeman Award is given annually to a distinguished scholar in the field of social networks for significant contributions to the scientific study of social structure.

The award is designed to be given to a scholar, who is an INSNA member and in the earlier stages of their research career (i.e., someone under 40 years old or someone who has received their PhD within the past 10 years). Consideration is also given to persons who have come to education later in life or who have interrupted their career for any reason (family, health, etc.). 

The award winner will be announced at Sunbelt 2025 in Paris. The award recipient will give a plenary lecture at the 2026 Sunbelt meeting. This plenary will review the work for which the award was given. Expenses for the conference will be part of the award.

Nominations are due March 15, 2025.

Submit Nominations for Freeman Award

William D. Richards, Jr.Richards Award

Nominations (including self-nominations) are now being accepted for the William D. Richards, Jr. Software Award. The William D. Richards, Jr. Software Award is a "lifetime achievement award" to honor individuals who have created publicly available social network analysis software without which it would be impossible to study social networks. The award recognizes breakthrough thinking in developing social network analysis software that becomes highly valued by the scholarly community; acknowledges the longevity of the software, as its functionality evolves in close correspondence with changes in the field of social network analysis; and, finally, honors the dedication of INSNA members in providing this service to the community. 

Named in honor of former INSNA President Bill Richards, the award is a biennial prize of $2,500. The recipient will be announced at Sunbelt in Paris.

Nominations are due March 15, 2025. 

Submit Nominations for Richards Award

Best Student Paper Award

The INSNA Best Student Paper Award is given annually to a graduate student member in recognition of research on social network analysis. The winner of the award is announced at INSNA’s Annual Sunbelt conference; the monetary prize for the best student paper is $2,500. 

The award is supported by royalties donated by the authors of the chapters in Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis edited by P.J. Carrington, J. Scott, and S. Wasserman, published by Cambridge University Press in 2005. INSNA wishes to thank the contributors for their generosity. 

To be eligible, the student must be a member of INSNA and the first (or sole) author on the paper at the time of submission. The paper may be published or unpublished and must have been completed within two years of the submission deadline. A letter of support from a supervisor, mentor or other faculty member should be submitted along with the paper. The support letter should be aimed at helping the judges understand the significance of the paper.

Papers are evaluated based on the level of originality in the ideas and techniques, the possible applications and their treatment, and potential impact. 

Nominations are due March 15, 2025. 

Submit Nominations for Best Student Paper